Submission Info
Louisiana Film Channel strives to captivate and connect people with stories they love by creating and distributing bold and inventive stories fueled by the artistic vision of dynamic storytellers whose distinctive, compelling and culturally relevant content engages international audiences across multiple platforms. We promise our customers personal service, our content providers a valuable partner, our investors the prospects of sustained profitable growth, and our employees a chance to change the world.
Submissions Info
Follow this process to submit your film:
- Read and agree to the “Louisiana Film Channel Terms For Content Providers” and at the bottom, click the appropriate link to fill out a submission form.
- Supply a full 1080HD resolution copy of your film and an optional .vtt captioning file.
- Note that although we accept content from anywhere, original Louisiana content receives priority.
Filmmakers who have provided approved content, Click Here to download social media icons to use in your posts.
Our agreement is non-binding so the filmmaker can show and do with their film as they wish while it is airing on the LFC platform. Stacks Image 15
Our agreement is non-binding so the filmmaker can show and do with their film as they wish while it is airing on the LFC platform. Stacks Image 15
For more information